Desa Wisata Tinalah
A village located around the Menoreh mountains which offers a stretch of green that are soothing to the eye.
Ngomah is a homestay booking platform in commnuity-based tourism (CBT). Ngomah will help you find accommodation in residents' homes. With the principles of sustainable tourism, Ngomah will make your tour more intimate with the community while still protecting the environment and supporting the local economy.
A village located around the Menoreh mountains which offers a stretch of green that are soothing to the eye.
Prepare yourself because the majesty of Mount Merapi will greet you when you wake up this morning.
The only village that has seven layers of sky. Explore it all when staying here.
Feel the sensation of having breakfast while listening to the sound of the river flowing.
Refresh your body when you wake up by bathing in blue water that comes directly from the spring
Visit this majestic waterfall when staying here.
"Saya sangat mendukung Ngomah dalam membatu keberlanjutan pariwisata di destinasi berbasis masyarakat. Indonesia sangat membutuhkan banyak start-up yang bergerak di bidang pariwisata demi percepatan mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat."
Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif RI